- A white towel with the American Girl logo to hang over the towel bar on the salon station
- A pretend pair of scissors the doll can hold for quick trims
- A bottle of pretend shampoo that fits in a recessed hole on the back of the sink
- A pretend battery-operated hair dryer that sounds like the real thing
- A pretend curling iron dolls can hold
- A glittery pink hair pick
- Forty small rubber bands in different colors
- Eight fabric elastic hairbands in different colors for ponies, braids, and other styles
- Four small hair clips and four larger hair clips in different colors to hold hair back
- A bottle of washable doll nail polish that girls can really paint on their doll's fingernails
- A pretend metal nail clipper
- A hairstyle instruction sheet for styling low pigtails

- Hamster silent running wheel to prevent chewingAmerican Girl® Dolled Up™ Salon Station